2020-09-02 文章来源:骨科在线 点击量:1103 我要说
近期发表于《J Arthroplasty》杂志的一项包含65,898名患者的12年回顾性队列研究表明,与非类风湿关节炎(RA)患者相比,RA患者进行全膝和髋关节置换术(TKA和THA)的长期风险要高4.02倍。
Risk of Total Knee and Hip Arthroplasty in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis: A 12-Year Retrospective Cohort Study of 65,898 Patients
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory disease that causes the destruction of soft tissues and cartilage around joints. Owing to the widespread use of potent disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, the need for total knee and hip arthroplasties (TKA and THA) has been reduced in patients with RA. However, the current association between RA and either THA or TKA has not been demonstrated in large-scale epidemiological studies.
We conducted a large-scale retrospective cohort study of patients diagnosed with RA during a 12-year period (2000-2012) in Taiwan. We recruited 32,949 patients with RA and 32,949 individually propensity score-matched non-RA controls.
After adjusting for confounding factors, we found that the risk of THA or TKA was 4.02 times higher in patients with RA than in those without RA (95% confidence interval [CI], 3.77-4.52). The risk of THA or TKA was highest in patients with RA younger than 40 years (adjusted hazard ratio, 43.18; 95% CI, 16.01-116.47). Compared with non-RA patients, patients with RA were 4.82 times more likely to undergo THA (95% CI, 3.84-6.04), 3.85 times more likely to undergo TKA (95% CI, 3.48-4.25), and 19.06 times more likely to undergo both THA and TKA (95% CI, 8.90-40.80).
These findings document a 4.02-fold greater long-term risk of undergoing THA or TKA in RA patients relative to non-RA patients in Taiwan.
Lee YH, Ko PY, Kao SL, Lin MC, Cheng-Chung Wei J. Risk of Total Knee and Hip Arthroplasty in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis: A 12-Year Retrospective Cohort Study of 65,898 Patients [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 3]. J Arthroplasty. 2020;S0883-5403(20)30750-6. doi:10.1016/j.arth.2020.06.085